Addiction effects everyone it touches. It is a debilitating disease that impacts all areas of the person's life. For the Addict, addiction is often blinding, making the individual unable to see what they are doing to themselves or those around them. For family and friends addiction often feels like walking in a tunnel without a light at the end.
Addiction is a disease in and of itself, but it is so much more. It numbs the pain of loss, fills the void of worthlessness, and gives courage to the weak. To the addict it is the knight in shining armor, ready to heal and hold, and mend. But, IT IS A LIAR. It only serves for a moment, long enough to rob and steal and destroy its host and all it comes into contact with. Those who get near the addict often feel the pain, seeing more clearly the devastation that addiction brings.
Often there is a belief that the addict is the one that needs to get help. While this is true, the addict is not the only one that needs help. As family and friends we are often living with trauma, resentment, guilt, or shame in regards to our interactions with the addiction. As family and friends we have our own healing to do.
Imagine if you woke up tomorrow and everything was different. Imagine if addiction no longer held you hostage, if you woke tomorrow no longer bound in fear. Therapy can help start your journey to freedom; help you set healthy boundaries, garner healthy relationships, and begin to find hope.
To begin your journey please contact us.
To learn more about addiction visit:
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence
Smart Recovery
12 Steps - for all 12 step programs.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Addiction